Types of Concrete Batching Plants

Types of Concrete Batching Plants

Types of concrete batching plants are considered according to the size of the plants, logistics possibilities, production capacities and optimization with additional equipment. Knowing the specifications and advantages of different types of concrete batching plants is quite siginifcant for businesses that plan to purchase power plants.

Types of concrete batching plants are generally divided into two categories. With the studies carried out in recent years, a third type of concrete batching plant has started to appear in the market.

These are as follows:

  • Mobile Concrete Plant
  • Stationary Concrete Plant
  • Compact Concrete Plant

We are going to examine this types of concrete batching plant which have its own characteristics and advantages in more detail.

Types of Concrete Batching Plants and Specifications

The main purposes of concrete batching plant manufacturers are to follow the sectoral innovations, to carry out R&D studies for the new requirements of the enterprises and to optimize existing machines or produce new machines. Mobile and compact concrete batching plants have been developed in order to meet new needs and demands.

All statonary, mobile or compact concrete batching plants are fully automated systems. The entire process, from the material coming to the feeders to the operation of the mixerr, is carried out automatically and can be easily followed on a single panel. Different types of products can be obtained after determining the material weighing and adjusting the mixing time.

Let’s look at the specifications of different concrete batching plants.

Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Mobile batching plants or portable concrete batching plants have many advantages due to their smaller size. It is very easy to assemble, disassemble and move the batch plant. Thus, quality concrete can be produced easily by moving the plant to points close to the project site.

Mobile concrete batching plants produced by FABO have production capacities between 30 m3 and 150 m3 per hour.

Mobile concrete batching plants are ideal for the needs of the construction industry.

Stationary Concrete Batching Plant

This type of  batching plant have been used for many years and have high production capacity. As the name suggests, they are established and operate in a specific area. Its installation and transportation is costly. Also, the process takes a long time. For this reason, they are preferred only by concrete manufacturing enterprises.

FABO manufactures stationary concrete batching plants with a capacity between 60 m3 and 200 m3 per hour.

Compact Concrete Batching Plant

This type of concrete batching plant is the newest type of batching plant produced with the latest technology. It has portability like mobile batcing plant and high production capacities like stationary concrete plant. It is one of the types of concrete batching plant preferred by enterprises from every sector with production capacities ranging from 30 m3 to 200 m3.


Differences Between Mobile and Stationary Concrete Plants