Concrete Batching Plant Bunker
A concrete batching plant bunker is a part in which processes and classifies aggregates according to their dimensions to produce ready-mixed concrete. The primary function of the machine, also known as the aggregate bunker, is to classify aggregates according to their size.
The concrete batching plant bunker sorts crushed stone pieces of different sizes to produce ready-mixed concrete. So different structures of concrete can be produced to be used in different areas.
Concrete Batching Plant Bunker
Concrete batching plants are large-scale facilities that produce ready-to-use concrete known as ready-mixed concrete. Ready-mixed concrete produced in concrete batching plants is used in the building and construction industry. Ready-mixed concrete is one of the basic materials of today’s buildings. It has a wide usage area and is an essential building material. Concrete batching plants consist of many different machines and equipment. Each piece of equipment has its characteristics and functions. One of these pieces of equipment is a sorting machine called the aggregate bunker.
Production in concrete batching plants consists of several stages. These stages may differ according to the structure of the concrete batching plant. The reason for this difference is whether the power plant is fully automatic, semi-automatic, or manual. The same product is obtained in all concrete batching plant models, but the production methods may differ. The aggregate bunker provides the transmission of the sand required for the production of the concrete mixture to the mixer at this production stage.

Aggregate Bunker
Aggregate is broken small cubic stone pieces. Aggregate production is only produced in crushing plants called stone crushing and screening plants. Crusher plants are large-scale plants that crush large-sized stone and mineral pieces. Aggregates produced in these facilities are used in the production of ready-mixed concrete. Aggregate forms the primary material of ready mixed concrete. Other substances are cement and water. Aggregate sent to concrete batching plants is produced here by hand using cement, water, and auxiliary materials. Ready-mixed concrete production takes place as a result of certain stages. At this stage, each machine or equipment has its specific task.
The task of the aggregate bunker in the concrete batching plant is primarily to classify the aggregates according to their sizes. The purpose of the classification of aggregate is to produce ready mixed concrete with different properties. Because ready mixed concrete has many different usage areas, the structure of ready mixed concrete used in these areas should also be different. Aggregate bunker has lids that can be opened and closed. Through these covers, the aggregate is sent to the bunker, where ready-mixed concrete will be produced. Here, the aggregate combined with other elements is sent to the mixer for mixing.
What Does a Concrete Batching Plant Do?
Concrete is an essential element that has been used in buildings for many years. Although different materials have been used instead of concrete, concrete is mainly preferred in buildings today. The reason for this is that concrete has a solid structure. In addition, it is an essential feature of concrete that can keep the structure intact for many years. Today, ready mixed concrete is produced in powerful machines called concrete batching plants. The most crucial function of concrete batching plants is producing high quantities of ready-mixed concrete quickly.
All fixed, mobile or compact concrete batching plants are fully automated systems. From the moment the material arrives at the feeders to the operation of the mixer, the entire process is carried out automatically and can be easily monitored on a single panel. Different types of products can be obtained by determining the material weighing and adjusting the mixing time.

Mobile Concrete Batching Plant
Mobile plants or portable concrete batching plants have many advantages due to their smaller size. It is pretty easy to install, disassemble and transport the switchboard. In this way, quality concrete can be produced quickly by moving to points close to the project site.
Mobile concrete batching plants are especially ideal for projects with mobile work sites. It can be installed quickly and at a low cost. It can be easily transferred to another area at the end of the project. Moreover, it can work with high performance in smaller areas.
Fixed Concrete Batching Plant
They are power plants that have been used for many years and have a high production capacity. As the name suggests, they are established in a specific area and operate there. This type of switchboard is costly to install and transport. Also, the process takes a long time. For this reason, they are preferred only by companies producing concrete.
The FABO Global brand is a well-established company producing concrete batching plants and equipment for many years. FABO manufactures stationary concrete batching plants with capacities between 60 m3 and 200 m3 per hour.
Compact Concrete Batching Plant
These concrete batching plants are the newest plant type produced with the latest technology. They have high production capacities like stationary concrete batching plants and the portability of mobile plants. Thanks to these features, it can be transported easily and work with high performance. Its production capacities ranging from 30 m3 to 200 m3 are among the concrete batching plants preferred by businesses from every sector.